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Living Well with Joey M. Robinson

"Transitions: Return to Emerald City"

Turning a new page in life is sometimes a hard thing to do, but I've turned quite a few. My latest is returning home to Seattle from Chicago.

The last two years attending school in Chicago was a learning experience of a lifetime. Never having been to the Midwest before, my discoveries brought me new perspectives on life and art. My series “Lakeview” was named for my neighborhood by the Lake. My “L” stop was Belmont and my favorite restaurants lined Broadway.

The cold winters and hot humid summers will always dwell in my mind. I met many wonderful people who made my journey a fantastic experience, and they will forever be in my heart. You know who you are!

I return to Seattle and the comfort of the familiar faces of family and friends. I return to the Great Northwest and this splendid jewel on Puget Sound, invigorated by the step and stride of one of the world’s great cities, Chicago.

As I title my summer 2010 series, the word that comes to mind is “Transition.” All that I learned in art, design, culture, and by personal experience in Chicago I bring back with me. I have opened a new artist loft in Seattle, Joey M Robinson Studio, a workspace, a showplace, a new home for art. I will share it with you.

More soon. Explore my website and return often as the pace of transition quickens.
